Worker Assist

Worker Assist Tasmania is a free service for injured workers in Tasmania. The service provides information, assistance and advice in the following areas:

  • Workers Compensation
  • Return to Work and Rehabilitation following a workplace injury
  • Asbestos Related Diseases Compensation Fund

Typically, injured workers contact the service when:

  • Experiencing barriers
  • Unsure of legal obligations
  • Confused by conflicting information or direction
  • Frustrated by perceived lack of action
  • Unsure what to do
  • Seeking to claim for compensation, expenses or other entitlements in dispute

Worker Assist Tasmania operates a telephone information service and can also provide case management support. It can provide referrals to Law Firms in necessary cases.

Worker Assist Tasmania is operated by Unions Tasmania, for all injured workers, not just union members. It is supported by the Tasmanian Government and WorkCover Tasmania.


1300 027 747

379 Elizabeth St, Hobart 7000